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writers-blockGetting back into blogging when you have been absent for a while can sure be tough can’t it?

Especially when you wake up with your brain in “scatter-brain” or “defiantly uncooperative” mode!

Defiant MindI have several things that I want to achieve this week but for some reason my brain is not willing to co-operate with me today.  (Not sure exactly what it is I did to upset it) But such is life!

The truth is that we can all get these kind of days can’t we?  Days when our focus seems to be a little off? Days when clarity of thought seems just beyond  us slightly?

And the truth is, in my experience, that suffering fro mental illness or poor mental health does not make these kind of days unique to us it is just that sometimes the frequency and severity of these days can be greater for us.

But I refuse to be beaten by this! There are things that I want to achieve and achieve them I will.

One of the best ways to counter this kind of challenge in my experience – second of course to a good time of prayer – is to make a to do list.

todolistThey help me to focus where my brain seems unable to do so for me.

They provide a ‘grounding’ a foundation from which to build if you will.

They provide ‘direction’.  You can map out your intended and your actual progress.

They provide a ‘safety-net’ so that the chance of things being over looked or forgotten is reduced.

Of course there are things to watch out for when compiling a “to do” list…

Be kind to yourself – Don’t create too many expectations and allow for and tolerate any mistakes.

Be calm – Prayer always helps me with this one.  You already know that you are struggling so any progress you make is a positive isn’t it?

Be realistic – don’t overload yourself or set impossible goals.

Be flexible – life can often throw us curve balls

Be positive – is it really the end of the world if you don’t get it all done?

Be sensible – prioritize the things that are urgent and those things that are important and those things that are necessary as well as those things that you simply want to do.

Be objective – allow yourself to revisit your list and alter it where needed.

Be receptive – if you need help allow yourself to ask for it and accept it.

Be determined – writing a “to do” list is only part of the process, actioning it is equally as important.

So, Mr brain – you little monkey – I refuse to be beaten today and I will achieve that which I want to achieve!  I am off to make a coffee, spend some time in prayer, and write my “to do” list!

Surprised Mind

I will let you all know later how I got on. 🙂